Train Mail postmarks of North Borneo (1)

Train mail postmark is another interesting area in marcophily (a fancy word that describes collecting and the study of postmarks). When I first learnt about train mails, it became so much more interesting because who knew letters could be posted on trains, and ships even! (that's for another day). Letters posted on trains were subjected to ordinary postal rates. Here's what I have in my collection so far: Proud D6 'TRAIN MAil' on ISC270 Proud D6 'train MAIL' on ISC270, with a discolored center probably light bleached. Proud D6 Another D6. Would be a really stunning bullseye if the bottom part of the postmark was struck clearer. Proud D6 Proud D5 on ISC242. Other than the larger gap between 'NORTH BORNEO', T of 'NORTH' was also seen to be shorter lengthwise. Proud D8 'rAILWAY p.o.' on ISC358. I remembered paying RM6 for this piece 5 years ago. In this never-ending quest to find, collect, and learn more, I hope to be able to own a fe...