Chimneys of the North Borneo 10c Stamp
See any difference between the four stamps below? Not yet? You will notice it very soon. For years I have been fascinated by myNBstamp 's write-up on the extra chimney variety that is found in QE II definitive series so much to the extent that it was etched in my mind to look for it whenever I had the chance to. Conveniently, I was blessed with a lot of duplicates to which I found a mint and a used copy of the extra chimney variety. Mint. Note the extra chimney, top middle. It is said that this variety occur in R1/10, the tenth piece of the first row, which, also according to myNBstamp, it may have occurred only in the first print in 1954. The used copy that I have is also dated 1954, which at this point further suggest that the hypothesis may just be right! Used, dated 1954. Normal 10c without the extra chimney for comparison. I find these varieties very interesting especially when they are on North Borneo stamps. Who knows how much more varieties actually exist considering...